Monday, November 23, 2015

Friday 11/20

  • We wrote for 20 minutes on an image we brought to class, and we put this in our writing folder.
  • We began a story outline for our short story. Be sure to have this completed before Thanksgiving break.
  • We handed in writer's notebook. These were due in class on Friday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Short story schedule and assignment

Creative Writing                                                                                          Name

Short Story Assignment

100 points


We have been studying how different writers approach the short story, and what we might learn from these writers for the last several weeks.

Now, your work is to write a short story of your own. The story needs to be original, and it needs to be seven to fifteen pages in length. Several of you have asked if you might write a chapter of a longer work for this assignment, and that is perfectly acceptable. If you choose to do this, please remember to contextualize the short story for me, particularly if what you hand in is not the beginning of the story.

The timeline for our work is outlined below:

1.      Complete short story study notebook is due on 11/20 (This grade is separate from the short story)

2.      Group discussion and short story outline due 11/24

3.      Research questions due via email by 11/25

4.      Library research 11/30

5.      Writing Days 12/2, 12/14 and 12/8.

6.      3 Copies of the draft due for peer review (graded) on 12/10

7.      In class revision day 12/14

8.      Short story due on 12/16

Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16 in class

Today in class we will be doing the following:

1. Using the "cards" you created to begin some freewriting for the short story.

2. Discussing the short story "Redeployment"

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

For Thursday's Class