Thursday, January 15, 2015

Important Reminders

If you did not complete your written response for the final exam, you have the opportunity to complete your short response in the English Resource Center. You are not to remove your exam from the ERC.

All exams must be completed before next Friday. On Friday, what I have for you will be graded.

Please remember to bring in a copy of your play to class on Tuesday. You will receive credit for this.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Schedule for the End of the Semester

1/13- In class writing of the drama draft

1/15- We will be reading the play Trifles, and completing our observation about what the model has to teach us. These observations will be part of the final exam grade.

1/20- The draft is due in class. We will exchange plays, and perform scenes. After each scene, there will be a peer review discussion for the benefit of the writers.

1/22- We will finish the performances and peer review. If there is additional time, we will work on the revision of the scene.

1/26- Final scene revisions are due. The final scene and the reflection piece are part of the final exam.

Final Exam pieces:

Performance- 10 points
Trifles piece- 40 points
Reflection paper- 25 points
Scene Revision- 25 points